Abacus Worldwide, LLC is pleased to announce that Bangladeshi accounting firm Kazi Zahir Khan & Co. (KZKC), Chartered Accountants has joined the progressive international association of independent accounting, consulting and legal firms.

With more than 54 personnel, KZKC provides audit and consulting services to businesses operating in Bangladesh. Beyond statutory audit, the firm perform special audits required for regulated industries and publicly traded companies.

“This region attracts international attention from companies looking to capture investment opportunities and take advantage of lower taxes,” said Julio Gabay, President and CEO of Abacus Worldwide. “KZKC’s experience with large public companies allows our members to tap into expertise with more complex audit requirements.”

Abacus Worldwide is an international association of independent accounting, consulting and legal firms focused on connecting like-minded quality firms for the sole purpose of providing member firms with the knowledge and resources they need to grow in today’s multifaceted business environment. Abacus Worldwide aims to offer a cost effective and convenient resource to growing firms. Its goal is to assist member firms in meeting client needs locally and internationally by fostering connections with the right firms in the right locations.

For more information about Abacus Worldwide, visit the association website at abacusworldwide.org.  For more about KZKC, visit their website at www.kzkcbd.com.